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2D Content Processing

At a basic level, PathEngine's content processing functionality serves simply to translate between the face/vertex mesh representation commonly used to represent geometry in 3D applications or for rendering, and PathEngine's internal mesh format, which is based on a face/edge/vertex representation.

Beyond that this content processing functionality has been expanded to include a number of additional conversion processes that have proved useful and applicable to the process of generating strictly validated ground meshes from raw content representations.

The content processing functionality is provided through the iPathEngine::buildMeshFromContent() method, which takes as parameters a set of content geometry objects (represented as face/vertex meshes) together with a set of attributes to control the content processing.

The PathEngine 3DS Max exporter plugin provides a useful working example of the content processing functionality, since this exporter is implemented essentially as a thin wrapper layer over this functionality (accessing the 3DS Max specific mesh representation, providing control over the options passed into content processing, and so on).
(Documentation for the 3DS Max plugin can be found here.)


Face Vertex Meshes
Content Validation
Vertical Discontinuities
Non Manifold Resolution
2D Content Processing Options
Filtering Steep Faces
Mesh Optimisation
Automating Connections
Building Entrance Connections
Matching Edge Connections
Managing Content Chunks

Documentation for PathEngine release 6.04 - Copyright © 2002-2024 PathEnginenext: Face Vertex Meshes