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Contents, API Reference, Interfaces, iFaceVertexBuilder, addFace



Adds a face (triangle) to the mesh, and returns the index of the newly added face.


int32_t addFace(int32_t vertex0, int32_t vertex1, int32_t vertex2);


vertex0 First vertex index for the new face.
vertex1 Second vertex index for the new face.
vertex2 Third vertex index for the new face.

Return Value

The index of the newly added face.


Face indices must correspond with the order in which faces are added. (So the first face added gets index 0, the second face added gets index 1, etc., the returned index value here is really just for convenience for calling code.)

C# Mapping

int addFace(int vertex0, int vertex1, int vertex2);

Java Mapping

int addFace(int vertex0, int vertex1, int vertex2);

Documentation for PathEngine release 6.04 - Copyright © 2002-2024 PathEnginenext: iFaceVertexBuilder::addVertex()