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Pathfinding Queries

Supplying a context

Each query accepts a collision context argument.
This controls the set of obstacles to be 'included' for the query.

Calling against the mesh or agent interfaces

In general, each query can be invoked on either the Interface iMesh or the Interface iAgent interface.
The iAgent methods supply arguments corresponding to the position and shape of the agent on which the method is called, and ensure that the agent itself is not treated as an obstruction.

Preprocess requirements

Connectivity queries require the generation of pathfind preprocess, with iMesh::generatePathfindPreprocessFor().

The queries

Shortest path

iMesh::findShortestPath() and iAgent::findShortestPathTo() provide the fundamental pathfinding query for a path from a known start point to a known goal.

iMesh::findShortestPath_WithQueryCallBack() and iAgent::findShortestPathTo_WithQueryCallBack() extend this with the possibility to restrict pathfinding scope or number of iterations.
(See Limiting the Scope for Pathfinding and Aborting Pathfinding Early)

iMesh::findShortestPath_MultipleStartPositions() searches for the shortest path where multiple potential start positions could be used (e.g. multiple agents could potentially be selected to attack a single target).
Note that this shortest path query version can then also be used for implementing search to multiple targets, in cases where paths are reversible, by calling iMesh::reversePath() to reverse the path result.

Path away

iMesh::findPathAway() and iAgent::findPathAway() both find the shortest path out of a region around a specified point.
This can be used as the basis for a 'run away' behaviour.

iMesh::findPathAway_WithQueryCallBack() and iAgent::findPathAway_WithQueryCallBack() extend this with the possibility to restrict pathfinding scope or number of iterations.
(See Limiting the Scope for Pathfinding and Aborting Pathfinding Early)

Documentation for PathEngine release 6.04 - Copyright © 2002-2024 PathEnginenext: Limiting the Scope for Pathfinding