Contents, API Reference, Interfaces, iSolidObjects, convexSolid_Attribute
Returns the number of points in a convex solid object.
int32_t convexSolid_Attribute(int32_t convexSolidIndex, int32_t attributeIndex) const; |
| convexSolidIndex | |
The (zero-based) index of the convex solid being queried.
Must be greater than or equal to zero, and less than the value returned by numberOfConvexSolids().
| attributeIndex | |
An index to specify the attribute being queried.
Return Value
-1 indicates that the value of the queried attribute is undefined.
Otherwise the value of the queried attribute is returned.
For boolean attributes 0 is used to indicate false,
and 1 to indicate true.
Run-time face attributes may be specified for a solid object, and these will then be passed through into any parts of the resulting ground mesh generated from the solid object.
C# Mapping
int convexSolid_Attribute(int convexSolidIndex, int attributeIndex); |
Java Mapping
int convexSolid_Attribute(int convexSolidIndex, int attributeIndex);